
Driveway and front garden.


The clients had recently retired, and wanted to improve their bungalow to make it more practical and attractive to live in. The house renovation work had not gone too smoothly with the contractors, so the clients were looking for a reputable local company who they could trust to finish off the project. The building contractors had finished, but their work had left the whole out door area of the property a sea of mud due to the time of year. The clients required a front garden that was smart and practical, the rear garden was to be more enclosed with a seating area. The driveway was to be resurface as part of the scheme.


The landscaping design was carried out as part of the house refurbishment and included a driveway refurbishment, and enclosed rear garden and a “smartening up” to the front of the property.

Plans & Drawings


Work began in the middle of one of the wettest and coldest times of the year, we had to contend with lots of mud, work was temporarily halted due to snow. A new soakaway was installed to take the surface water, the raised porcelain rear patio was initially installed, then the paving linking the rear of the property to the front. Recessed manhole covers were used within the paving which was cut in to form a seamless surface. The hard landscaping was completed to the front of the property, finally giving the clients clean access to their property. The driveway was laid to complete the hard landscaping, it’s length meant that two slot drains were installed to reduce surface water. The most difficult part of the work was preparing the waterlogged ground for the turf and the plants.

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