Garden with water feature, patio and raised planters, stone built
Family Home
Large composite decking with pergola, leading to paved area and further seating
Village Garden
Raised lawn with feature steps and walling. creating raised flower beds and terrace seating
Patio Pack
Decorative patio pack paving
Small Space Garden
Mixed hard landscaping with topiary
Paving Cirles
Paving circles creating feature steps and seating area.
Feature Pergola
Block paved and gravel pathways leading to a feature roofed pergola seating area. Retaining walls and steps
Family Patio
Family patio featuring large pergola
Formal Garden
Large patio area with feature pergola and gravelled walkways
Sleeper Steps
Sleeper steps including raised beds
Composite Decking
Composite Decking circle and artificial lawn
Steps and Raised Border
Brick and paving steps, sleeper raised beds and feature pergola
Outdoor Kitchen
Outdoor kitchen on composite decking featuring a BBQ and granite worktops. Fitted exterior fridge to the right hand side
Hot Tub Gazebo
Hot tub gazebo over stone pavers
Decor Wall
Decorative stone and brick wall with water feature
Large Formal Gardens
Composite decked walkway, rockery feature and pergola
Pathway and Pergola
Block paved pathways meandering under a large pergola
Village Garden
Brick and stone walling surrounding a paved dining area, with small pergola leading to seating area
Modern Feature Steps
Steps comprised of sleepers and block pavers
Outside Dining
Composite decking walkway leading to family dining area, with planted borders
Decorative block paving
Composite decking with character summerhouse
Block paving
Driveway, borders and lawn
Paving and walls
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