About Us

When Bosworth’s was a small market garden back in the 1970’s and 1980’s, trade was very seasonal.  March to June were very busy but the rest of the year was quiet and there was a need to keep John Bosworth and his couple of employees busy.  John was well known for his hard work and horticultural and agricultural knowledge, so he was then asked to do ad-hoc landscaping such as planting, turfing and paving.

In the mid-1980s a customer bought a large number of plants from our nursery to plant in a local residential development for one of the big housebuilders.  The customer was an interesting character who ended up in jail for fraud and when John went looking for his money or his plants, the contract manager on-site said “I have not got anybody to do the work now, can YOU do it?” So for about 15 years a landscaping department grew and provided services for house builders and developers in the area.

However, this was a tough line of work, and during the recession in the early 2000’s we exited the commercial landscaping market.  Our Garden Centre had been growing and there was a regular stream of enquiries for domestic landscaping work.  A few changes, and redeployment of staff, and our landscaping division set off in a new direction servicing the local market for domestic landscaping projects.

Gradually over the intervening years, we have increased the scope and size of projects that we tackled.  The “Pandemic Years” saw a great influx of people into the landscaping sector, mainly “one man bands” who were able to do a good job without the overheads of running a business.  A further decision was then taken to push even further upwards and a remit to “only do landscaping work where there is a scaled drawing” was introduced.

John’s grandson, Oliver Bosworth, joined the business in 2021 and has given us confidence to persue and develop Landscaping alongside our Garden Centre and Nursery businesses.

Our Accreditations

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call us: 01536 722635

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