Meet the team

Our team brings together a highly skilled set of landscapers and designers to make your dream a reality!

You are in good hands

Meet the Team

Our team have many years experience in design and construction


Contracts Manager
Ben is our Landscaping Contracts Manager and joined Bosworth's Landscaping in the summer of 2022 bringing a wealth of experience in all aspects of domestic and commercial landscaping including: block paving, porcelain patios, rendering, brick laying, drainage, steel fixing, concreting, block and beam flooring, sectional concrete works and tarmacking. He is involved in the consultation and site visits prior to quotation and is very approachable and customer focused. Ben is also responsible for day-to-day site health & safety and ensuring that projects are completed within the agreed timescale.


Consultant / Designer
Consultant/Designer: Helen joined Bosworth's Landscaping in 2022. She has an RHS Level III Certificate in Practical Horticulture and a Diploma in Professional Garden Design. Her Garden Design experience makes her ideally suited to manage designer and customer liaison at Bosworth's Landscaping and to co-ordinate the design-build process.


Summer joined Bosworth's Landscaping in 2015 as the administrator and first point of contact for customer enquiries, whether in person, on the phone or by email. She is always aiming to provide excellent customer service and is available for any queries regarding the Design and Build or Draw and Build services. She works with Consultant Helen and Contracts Manager Ben to ensure that projects have the materials and machinery in place for a seamless progression and completion.


Oliver is a member of the Bosworth family and has been part of the Landscaping team since 2021. He is passionate about the business and actively promotes the services we offer. He leads the second team of Landscapers when two projects are running concurrently to provide organisational and customer liaison skills. Ollie has successfully completed a Rolo Course in Operative Health, Safety and Environmental Awareness.


Harvey joined Bosworth's Landscaping in 2021. He is the youngest member of the team who learnt his skills alongside our previous Team Leader and current Landscape Contracts Manager Ben, to become a keen and energetic Landscaper. Harvey is a qualified first -aider and has successfully completed a Rolo Course in Operative Health, Safety and Environmental Awareness.


Steve joined Bosworth's Landscaping in 2017 bringing carpentry skills that have been utilised on many projects involving, decking, fencing and pergolas. Steve is a qualified first -aider and has successfully completed a Rolo Course in Operative Health, Safety and Environmental Awareness. His cheerful manner and excellent customer service skills have proved invaluable on the days when the weather is particularly challenging.
Due to the huge variation in garden types, locations, budgets, styles and timeframes, it is necessary to have a number of designers who we put you in contact with. This enables us to match the right person with the project For more details on our designers, please visit the "Meet the Designers" page.

Our Accreditations


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