Why Choose Us

Why Choose Us

“ We have been around a while, since 1959 in fact, and know a thing or two about plants.  Being part of the Bosworth’s Garden Company we are a brand you can trust ”

Professional & Reliable

From our office support team, to designers and landscapers we offer a professional service from start to finish, ensuring your dream garden becomes a reality.

Skilled Team

We have a highly skilled team of landscapers ready to work on your project. Our team has many years of combined experience in all aspects of landscaping.

Great Reviews

We love our customers to be happy with the work we have done. Read our reviews from our recent projects.

Environmentally Friendly

We are committed to being environmentally friendly in all aspects of our work. We prioritise sustainable practices that minimize negative impacts on the environment.

Family owned

If it matters to you it matters to us. As a family owned business we put our name to all our projects so it is important to us that you are happy with your finished project.

Extensive Portfolio

We have an extensive portfolio spanning many years and covering all aspects of a project including design, build and planting with various design ideas along the way.

Our Accreditations

You Dream It - We Build It!

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